
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Girls Nights

Clearly when I decided to write a blog I had more time on my hands!! That's good ol' corporate america for ya! haha! Things are quite different now and my days have turned into weeks and my weeks into months.

The last month of being a turf wife has actually been quite fun. My hubby owns a turf farm (on top of his ever-expanding business) and has been working diligently to get grass established before it's too late and snow is falling. There is 18+/- acres at the farm and ALL OF IT NEEDS TO BE SEEDED! It used to be corn fields so there has been a ton of work to be done as well as new irrigation and such. Really cool project to see from the ground up. I'm sure many turf wives have experienced something similar on the course. So, when Nola is at daycare on Monday's and Wednesday's, I've been helping with some serious labor at the farm. More time with my main man and some pretty serious calorie burning. If you know me, you know I'm all about calorie burning!

I've been filing up my schedule on days that I'm not helping the hubby. Going to parks and museums, toddler classes, gymnastics and of course the shore. As always though, it's bitter sweet to have so many amazing experiences without daddy or "datty" as Nola calls him. I'm sure, if you have a child(ren), you've felt that same feeling.

I often think about other SAHM's (stay at home moms for the newbies) and how they balance their schedules, time with dad and time away for themselves. I have an amaaaaazing group of close girlfriends and we often try to meet for girls nights = dinner and drinks. Since I've decided to be a SAHM, I've begun to feel guilty and honestly I think my husband would rather spend that time together as a family. BUT I need those outings, my friends and time away for sanity. So, how much is too much? What do you do to keep yourselves from feeling quitly about doing things for yourself?

For my turfwives without lil' ones, I remember spending what seemed to be an absorbent amount of time alone when I didn't have Nola to chase after. I remember how lonely days felt and how I anxiously anticipated romantic dinners when my husband returned after a long days - especially weekends - at work just to be disappointed by an exhausted husband who wanted to relax and settle in early. When we moved from MD back to PA for my husband to start his own business, I also had to start over. When my husband heard me complaining about all my time alone and how bored and lonely it was he didn't feel sorry for me. He told me to make friends and get some hobbies. Although seriously harsh over another not romantic dinner - which I immediately left the table in tears and sat in the ladies room questioning if this is what I really wanted - it was the truth. I needed to be me. I needed not to rely on him and his unpredictable schedule for happiness and fun. So what did I do? I went and made me some great friends and started to do things like gardening, painting and decorating, shopping (that's a given), working out and took on a serious addiction for reality television.

Well, today's blog is very me. Scatterbrained and trying to press that publish post button as quickly as possible so I can add another load into the washer before Nola wakes up!!!

Bye for now,