
Thursday, July 28, 2011

A New Paradise - Or Is It?

It's been a few weeks since my last update and wow things have certainly changed...

For those of you who regularly follow my life in general, you know it's been a rough month of coping with the pitfalls of Corporate America. Many of you go through the same struggle every day - going into another man's world and giving 110% to get ZILCH in return. Even worse, being treated like dirt and when you finally stick up for yourself, matters get worse.

For my new followers who don't know me on a more intimate level, my family and I decided it was in my best interest to take a step back - actually a few thousand steps back and potentially start fresh. Some think I'm crazy, some think I jumped the gun, some are even jealous but most think it was time - I'm thinking of it as a new chapter of my life.

If you don't like something that's in your life, only you have the power to change it.

So, now that I'll have more time (here's hoping) to blog and share stories, I hope we can connect more with each new day.

As for me as a "Turf Wife", Steven and I have date night tonight. YAY! Something we do regularly and make very special. We splurge on our date nights to make them extra special.

Tonight's agenda: Drinks and dinner at Bichrunville Store Cafe. Very upscale, very romantic and very much the plan each of you should have at least once-or twice (if you can swing it!) a month.

We have our standard sitter and we make plans for these nights almost one month ahead. For those of you who aren't with child, you probably have more flexibility in your date nights but you probably don't take them as seriously as you should.

So many of my friends with loved ones in the Turf Industry feel like dinner during the summer is practically impossible. I agree, it's a major challenge. Most of our spouses are up before we wake and home when the sun goes down. It's a hard life and it's hard for a wife not to become bitter. So, even though it may not be practical to go out for dinner often, a pre-scheduled MANDATORY ATTENDANCE is the key to making sure unpractical becomes reality. Oh, and don't forget to splurge - even just a little. I promise you if you make these small steps to improve your quality of time together (notice how I didn't say quantity) your marriage will not only become stronger, you may even talk about something other than the lack of rain, the dead greens, who called out, unhappy members get the picture.

Please post your next date night plans! I have plenty more suggestions up my sleeve for future blogs but if you feel you have a special one that works well for you and yours, please share!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weekend Away

Just a few days have passed and I’ve been dying to get back on here! In April, while visiting family in NC, I decided I would go back down with Nola (alone!) over the July 4th holiday weekend. It was a feat but very memorable and worth the blood, sweat and Nola’s tears to spend the time with our family and their friends! Although I knew all along what I had signed up for and the amount of work it would take to do it alone, I couldn’t help but feel a small degree of sadness that daddy was at home, working hard, missing out on these moments he didn’t get the opportunity to see for himself. I sent him pictures via text throughout the trip but…it’s never the same. Sometimes I wonder if we could OR SHOULD give it all up and live a more simple life….
Nola @ Wrightsville Beach NC

Nola and her cousin Davis sharing the cake mix

Nola with her cousin Makayla maxing and relaxing

Face painting at the 4th festivities

Brum brum

sleepy at the fireworks...and probably a little scared


and just like that, we're back to our normal routine and living the dream...right?