
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Late Night Ideas

As crazy of an idea as Steven thought I had last night at 11:02pm, here I am today. Crazy to him maybe, but to me, it was BRILLIANT! Actually, what happened was after exchange of stories between Steve's client and myself over a glass of wine (of course!), I realized that all of us are or have at one (or several) times been in a very similar place but feeling very alone.

What the heck am I talking about you ask? Well, how many of you (my lovely turf wives) spend many evenings  - and weekends - at home, with or without children feeling lonely, annoyed, bored, irritated and even sad. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally in love with my husband and we have a wonderful relationship because we constantly work on it. But, even the strongest relationships are forced to take a back seat to nothing more than this tiny little plant called GRASS!

So back to the drinks and the exchange of stories. I couldn't help but ask this tall glass of water treating Steven and I to a drink about his family. Anyone with children knows, you can find just over 1,000 things in common with someone who has children - even better, you can find more than that with wives of husbands in the turf industry. Turns out this wonderful wife, stay at home mom (hardest job in the world) with two children is experiencing the same strains on her family and her relationship with her spouse. Why? All due to the endless hours in the summer months, the constant travel, the dinners alone, the weekends without daddy and the unpredictable schedules, the lengthy phone conversations with clients and running the entire dog and pony show all by yourself.

So, today I have a purpose. I'm going to share and request you do the same: stories, support, advice and love to all the fellow turf wives (and girlfriends and fiance's of course) in my small effort to bring us all together.

Wow, I did it! Is this crazy?

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