
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Who is this Turf Wife?

Just another wife who has nothing better to do than poke at the turf industry? Barely. Actually, finding time to constantly add value and engage with my Turf Wives has proven to be quite difficult.
Like so many of you, I'm a full time mother and up until this past August, I was a full time employee. I have an advanced degree in Human Resources Management - I was the person most of your husbands (and maybe even yourself) love to hate. The person responsible for hiring and unfortunately, firing.

This past summer I took a leap of faith and began to work with (notice I didn't say "for") my husband. It was an extremely difficult decision to go from Fortune 500 companies to a small business in which my husband is the President and Lead Scientist for. My husband and I have been together for almost 14 years and I know we work extremely well together so I dove in head first. There's no other option in the middle of the summer is there? So, what was it like going from suits, meetings and employee counseling to hands on field work? I have many adjectives for my experiences: astonishing, awe-inspiring, awful, beautiful, breathtaking, daunting, frantic, overwhelming, stunning and many many more but really, seriously wonderful and rewarding.Seeing your own hard working hands-on (sometimes back breaking) work actually working, growing and changing from one day to the next gave me a crystal clear vision of why so many men (and some women) absolutely love their jobs in the turf industry. It's not easy work - it's extremely stressful and exhausting - much different then my experience in corporate america. I found myself working harder than I ever had in my professional life. But there is nothing more rewarding than working side by side with your life partner and seeing the fruits of your very own labor paying off.

Of course, I have my very own dreams and aspirations that don't consist of me returning to the 50X50 florescent lighted offices I've grown so used to. When I'm not directly working for our business, being the best wife and mother I can, working out and trying to add value to Turf Wives amongst the thousands of other activities I engage in on a daily basis...I find myself drawling up my very own business plans for owning my very own winery - right in our backyard! Stay tuned...

There are so many other aspects of my life that I'd love nothing more than to share with my Turf Wives. My most proud accomplishment within the past 1.5 years actually has nothing to do with turf at all. For those of you know actually know me personally (a seriously small percentage) they've seen the personal transition and growth that lead me to lose 70+ pounds in the short 1.5 years. That's the entire weight of my 11 year old niece! It was with a lot of hard work, dedication and true commitment to making this the best life for me and my family. Oh p.s., I also quit smoking cigarettes in that period of time as well!!

Well, life is calling (actually she's yelling) so that's a wrap for today. Stay tuned...more about this Turf Wife in due time...


  1. Thanks for sharing and inspiring! I'm currently trying to find a way out of the corporate jungle and considering joining my husband in his "turf" life as well. There are endless opportunities... but the need for excellent health insurance is the anchor holding me down. Love the winery idea!! I'm constantly prodding my husband to use his agronomy smarts for creating the perfect grape. If you ever need online marketing help, just let me know. Best wishes on your endeavors!

    1. Thank YOU Julie for the continued support! I'd love to work with you with regard to marketing. I have a few Turf Wife projects up my sleeve and also in the works so I'll be in touch and also I would love to help you pursue your consideration to work in turf. I have some good suggestions for your healthcare obstacle...ttys!
