
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Now Hiring!!

In the recent years I've noticed an unfortunate decline in jobs within the turf industry but honestly, who hasn't? I've personally experienced conversations that many individuals in the industry are struggling to either move into another role or are out of work completely. Many individuals are attempting to use social media and other resources to network which is wonderful but in more cases than not, doesn't do the trick. Obviously, this is taking place all over the country in almost every industry.
I truly believe fulfilling employment and being able to adequately provide for yourself/your family is one of the largest stresses individuals face. And unfortunately, with the way our world is today faced with desires of immediate gratification and a materialistic philosophy - this puts even larger strains and stresses on individuals struggling to move onward and upward. Through this epidemic, I've seen families fall apart, fun friends become drunks, marriages fail and worse, suicide.

It continues to be my goal to add value for my Turf Wives family. Last blog I touched on being a human resource professional. I currently hold and maintain a Professional Human Resources (PHR) degree and certificate, which although I now work in the turf industry, I would like to continue to put towards good use. In my career I have hired thousands of employees. I have also spent countless hours volunteering and offering services to assist friends, family, strangers, colleagues etc. obtain new employment. As part of my goal, I would like to take this opportunity to offer these same services to my Turf Wives family.

I will be volunteering my professional services on a first come, first serve basis for: customized resume'/CV assistance, interview assistance, employment negotiations, employment law etc. for any wife or husband in the industry following my National Association of Turf Wives facebook page. I will also attempt to stay abreast new career openings within the industry as time allows. All assistance request and inquiries should be sent to

You are welcome to find my public professional profile by clicking the following link:

I look forward to adding value to you and yours,


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this and your willingness to assist others. I may email you with my or my husband's resume!

    1. Thank you for following me and your support! I'd be happy to help!

  2. I couldn't be more proud to have worked on my 43rd resume this morning for my turf wives family!
