
Monday, March 19, 2012

Turf Wives Experiment ("TWXperiment")

Hey everyone! Last months blog Now Hiring!! was viewed 1,094 times and counting. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who emailed and communicated feedback and support!

Feedback and participation in my offering of Human Resources Services has been huge and started immediately after my blog published!!! I am still in a little back-log since weather here in PA has proven to challenge our typical winter/spring work schedule but I will continue to press forward in order to assist as many people as quickly as possible. Additionally, this service is 100% confidential - this question was asked on numerous occasions for obvious reasons which I neglected to confirm in my previous post.

During busy season for us (now through October) I will do my best to post updated blogs as often as possible. I will also continue to provide HR services for free on a first come first serve basis. I ask for everyone's continued support and feedback, especially during the busiest time of year, if I don't engage as often as I would wish to.

One of the reasons I started this blog and facebook fan page was to offer a place share, help and exchange stories for wives with husbands in the turf industry. I'd like everyone who follows this page to encourage other women so close to this industry to also get involved. Start sharing and engaging with other women on the page to share your own trials and tribulations and well as your triumphs!

Another reason I started this blog and FB fan page, aka fun page, brings me back to my first blog post Late Night Ideas of wanting to offer feedback and advice to my fellow Turf Wives. As usual, over a few glass of wine recently, I started to brainstorm ideas that would continue to add value to my blog and FB fun page. As difficult as it is sometimes to stay positive when we're all dealing with similar frustrations, my goal from day 1 was to maintain positivity. We all know, for the most part the negative circumstances that we face being married or in a relationship with someone in this field. My goal, even with my blog where at times I air my marriages own dirty laundry has always been to offer tips, strategies and advice to help get through some of those tough times.

I'm not trying to pretend my marriage is perfect - I never conveyed in any of my communications anything of that nature. Nothing in life is perfect. But, I actively participate in my marriage. I engage in my marriage as I think is best for its continued success. So blah blah blah, where am I going with this?!?!?

Introducing Turf Wives Experiment "TWX" as my husband likes to refer to it. Actually, he picked the name!! Starting tomorrow, I will begin to post daily suggestions (take em' or leave em') that may or may not already exist in your relationship strategies for success. Please take these ideas, tips and/ in some cases proposals to assist with overcoming those before mentioned difficult times. OR, they may in fact add to your already successful strategies. Many of you may already be engaging in activities, tips or suggestions that I may post - GREAT!! Please feel free to post your own at anytime to add to our success by paying it forward (thanks Oprah)!! As always, I look forward to your engagement and feedback! It's my hope that everyone will enjoy this little experiment...

I promise to keep it clean,


  1. TWX Day #1: Connect more with your partner and less with social media. Last month I removed all social media apps from my phone. You'd be amazed to see how much more you engage with real life people when you stop "scrolling" all day and night. Something as small as removing FB, Twitter and Pinterest etc. from your phone could be huge for improving your relationships. This cartoon may be extreme but its not out of the realm of possibilities for the future. Try limiting your social media activities to your actual computer when your partner isn't around.

  2. TWX Day 2: Leave your partner post-it notes regularly. In his planner, on the computer, in the truck and golf cart, in his underwear drawer, in his lunch bag etc. Not just love notes but tid bits about why you love him, what makes him a great husband, jokes, notes from your kids etc. Since I dated my husband, I've left him notes everywhere saying little things to show my love and appreciation for him. Sometimes I forget to say these things out loud to him so I make sure he knows. It's something that takes very little effort!

  3. TWX Day 3: Don't just ask "How was your day?" Ask your partner for the 3 highs and 1 low of his day each day and provide him with yours. Not only does this help you both to better recognize what transpired during each others busy day but this engagement stops you from just going through the motions and actually actively listen.

  4. TWX Day 4: Begin to schedule Date Night with your partner. Actually schedule them on the calendar. Whether you can have them once a week (unlikely for most) or once a month it's critical time to help us get re-acquainted. There is always something new about your spouse and during our busy lives we don't necessarily take this important time together. It doesn't have to be an extravagant dinner date. It can be something as free as a walk through a park. During date nights make it a point to discuss things that are fulfilling your relationship but it's also equally as important to discuss areas you would like to see improve. Date nights are the perfect times to discuss your relationship as life's typical distractions are not necessarily grasping for your attention.

  5. TWX Day 5: Touch your partner!! Touch is the only one of our five senses that doesn't lose its potency with age. As we grow older, our sense of smell becomes less acute; our sense of taste becomes less sharp; our hearing diminishes; our eyesight needs enhancement, but touch does not change. In fact, our need to touch and be touched becomes greater. Recently, I spent a great deal of time with a man who's marriage ended after 35 years. When I asked him what would of made his marriage more successful he responded with one word, "touch". Chilling that something that may seem so insignificant is momentous the success of a relationship. So today, touch your partner please. Hold hands and give your spouse a long hug and kiss.

  6. TWX Day 6: Dress to impress! As we all know, men are visually stimulated. Think of all the reasons your spouse was attracted to you in the first place - and vice versa. Your smile, your hair, your confidence, your overall appearance inside and out. Try to make more of a serious effort to be dressed and put together when your husband comes home from work this week. Not only will you feel better about yourself but I bet your spouse will notice and appreciate it!! Unless your coming home from a yoga class, get the heck out of your yoga pants!

  7. TWX Day 7: Make it an effort to compliment your partner often. (In coordination with the suggestion of sharing what my husband does special for me from today's earlier post) My husband makes a impressive effort to communicate positive feedback and compliments me regularly. He does not just say "you look nice hun" he actually specifies what in particular he thinks looks great or what I've done that he thought was great. Everyone likes to hear compliments and that extra detailed effort he makes to be more specific makes it that much more special.

  8. Got some awesome feedback regarding TWX this week!! I'll be implementing the suggestions from Kimmy Gaber and Ryan Howard at this point so keep the feedback coming!

    Ryan would like the Turf Wives to start posting their own helpful tips/suggestions for the guys to utilize since as he feels like they also need suggestions. Keep in mind with my daily TWX - it goes both ways!

    Kimmy suggested that on the first day of each new week, I communicate what my husband does special for me which helps in our success. Though he does partake in the daily TWX, I'll add some special things he does especially for me.

  9. TWX Day 8: Communication, communication, communication!! Don't use the silent treatment or passive aggressive tactics to try and communicate your displeasure with your spouse. I'm personally guilty of doing this at times and I try to check myself as marriages can stand or fall on the basis of how well the couple can communicate with each other. Couples who can communicate clearly with each other have a much better chance of overcoming problems and staying together. Learn to speak about your feelings and take responsibility for working through them with your partner. Remember, silences can become longer and longer each time until you both loose touch with each other permanently. This is very difficult to reverse after it has reached a certain point. Take time today to consider your current communication style and what adjustments, if any, can be changed for betterment of your relationships.

  10. TWX Day 9: Ladies, initiate intimacy with your partner more often. People often get married while they are in the honeymoon stage of their relationship when intimacy is initiated by both partners. Somewhere along the way, the balance of initiation begins to shift. It doesn't take a brain scientist to know that physical intimacy is a huge part of successful relationships and failing to initiate intimacy is one of the biggest mistakes women make. Show your interest by taking the first step from time to time. Men want to be pursued by their partners just as much as women do.

  11. TWX Day 10: Maintain and grow your individual self. An important topic I touched on very early in my blog was how important it is to have your own life. One key to keeping your relationship strong is making sure you take time to create your own life. Make sure that you have your own friends, your own hobbies, and your own time for yourself. While it's very important to spend time with your partner, you also need to find time for yourself. Waiting around, constantly calling for an ETA status, nagging about him going out with friends when he's never home to begin with, can cause serious damage to a relationship. Animosity from both partners can quickly immobilize any and all the effort invested into your partnership. So in traditional layman's terms, get a life (in a good way)!

  12. TWX Day 11: Choose your attitude! Relationships work best when both partners express upbeat and positive views on life in general. I know some times it's easier said than done when your nerves are shot after a long day of work, but it's important to continually check yourself and be wary of being Negative Nancy. Negative people are often that way because they feel unloved and unappreciated. The irony of the situation is that when people adopt a negative outlook, they become hard to love and appreciate. Try to force yourself to stay positive even in the hardest, most challenging times. In the end, you're the only person who can control your attitude and it's the same distance to make the choice to be positive or to be negative.

  13. TWX Day 12: Movie night! Do you know your spouses all-time favorite movie? Find out and plan a special evening at home with your husband. This is a great way to have date night without going out! Grab his fav movie and his favorite goodies, snuggle up and watch it together. It's spontaneous, romantic and thoughtful.

  14. TWX Day 13: Those who play together stay together. Today is Sunday Funday so try to make it just that!! Most couples know their marriages are happier when they make time to have fun. Today, chill out and have fun together, watch the games, play some games, arm wrestle, have a mid-day bev etc. If he's working all day today, make this evening different from the rest by incorporating fun, music, games or activities you normally don't engage in on a daily basis. Making time to set real life on the back burner and play is one simple area of life that can yield incredible benefits for you and your spouse.

  15. TWX Day 14: Love and support your spouse unconditionally. (In coordination with my weekly reveal on what my husband does for me) Last night I racked my brain trying to think of a time my hubby didn't support me on an idea (silly or not), split decision or my typical crazy behavior. I have a very energetic (and sometimes loud and obnoxious) personality and I constantly come up with things I want to do, change, buy, fix, achieve etc. and no matter how many curve balls I throw out there or how embarrassing I can be my hubby loves and supports me. Even if he doesn't care for something I've decided to do or act on, he almost never insists I change my mind. He 100% let's me be ME. There's something incredible about a person who loves, supports and accepts you unconditionally.

  16. TWX Day 15: Prep for tomorrow. There is nothing worse then getting up at the crack of dawn and not being able to find something you need for work. We've all been there! A few extra minutes of prep the night before work can reduce the amount of stress in the morning tremendously. Tonight, get your hubby's items organized and ready for tomorrow morning and don't forget to prep the coffee pot. Remember to leave a little love note ;) he'll greatly appreciate it tomorrow morning!!!

  17. TWX Day 16: Dedicate a song. This is a little silly but on a regular basis, I dedicate a song to my husband. I try to memorize every word and when the song comes on in the car while we're together I make my announcement that this song is for him and then I go into character and sing the song to him (as loud and entertaining as possible). What I like about this is when he's traveling alone and the song comes on it makes him think about me too. It's cheesy but I think it's fun and cute. Here's my latest dedication!

  18. TWX Day 17: Express gratitude. “Thank you” is not two simple words that should be reserved for strangers serving us at restaurants or holding the door for us. Showing gratitude toward your spouse for even the smallest things allows them to feel recognized, appreciated and in most cases causes them to want to continue doing more. Even small expressions of gratitude can make a significant difference on a relationship. It simply means we recognize the effort and it's not being overlooked or unappreciated. Just make the effort to show him a little bit of gratitude. I promise, it’ll go a long way. What has your husband done today that deserves a “thank you,” “I’m grateful,” or simply, “you’re the best”? There’s something.

  19. TWX Day 18: TGIF! Everyone loves Friday as for most of us, it closes the chapter of another week and means we have a couple days off. But, many of our husbands still have to work throughout the weekend. When your husband walks in from work tonight, greet him with his favorite drink and a smile on your face. Take a few minutes to reconnect and then let him settle in and clear his head before jumping into your regular evening routine. Taking time to de-stress after a long day is actually an invaluable aid for increasing the quality of his "up time." Just a short break will help to decrease stress, increase energy and often provide new insights and perspectives.

  20. TWX Day 19: Give a hug! The hug is a universal interaction between two people that is a way to say hello and good-bye and even comfort in times of need but it often goes undone. Several sources suggest that everyone needs at least four hugs a day for healthy survival, eight hugs a day for emotional strength, and 12 hugs a day to really grow and be empowered. Doctors have found that hugging may dramatically lower blood pressure and boost blood levels of oxytocin, a relaxing hormone that plays a key role in labor, breastfeeding and orgasms as well as fights disease, boosts immunity and lowers stress. Try to start and end your day with a hug and include more hugs in your daily routine. Not only will your relationship improve but your health will too!

  21. TWX Day 20: Discreetly connect while your celebrating. Many of us are celebrating with family and friends this weekend. It can be challenging to remain engaged with your partner while entertaining or being entertained. Throughout the day today, text each other from across the room. Send just a few words saying how you feel. You'll be amazed at how much more you're connected at the end of the night when all the commotion of the day has ended.

  22. TWX Day 21: Sleep Au Naturel. Did you know men are twice as likely as women to sleep in the nude? As we all know, getting in the "mood" can be a challenge for many women. So, I challenge you to slip under the sheets in your birthday suit more often! Sleeping naked has many rewards. Not the least of which is that it makes intimacy a lot more likely to happen. I dare you to enjoy the silky soft feeling of the sheets while your in the might just give your sex life a much-needed upgrade.

  23. TWX Day 22: (Totally forgot yesterday was the first day of a new week and I neglected say something my hubby does for me.) My hubby is very attentive to me. I'm fairly certain this came from years of not spending time together due to his work schedule and trying to make up for it. When he would break from work he would make a considerate effort to cater to me in ways that are so subtle sometimes I take it for granted. Efforts to make sure my gas tank is always full, bringing me a glass of wine at the end of a long day, drawing me a bath, bringing me a cup of coffee in the morning, waking up with our daughter on the weekends so I can sleep in a little more, doing the dishes, etc. etc. etc. All these things, big or small, add up to a huge and exceedingly consistent effort on his part to make my life more smooth and comfortable.

  24. TWX Day 23: Take a trip down memory lane. When was the last time you went through your wedding album with your spouse? Or watched your wedding video if you were lucky enough to have your vows recorded? Every now and again I love to dust off our wedding video to watch it and go through our wedding album with my hubby. Some people save this special occasion for their anniversaries and that is okay. Some folks may not even remember were their precious memories are packed away at. Be spontaneous this week - grab a bottle of bubbly and make a toast while you reminisce. An activity like this will certainly bond you and your spouse and it may help to re-light a spark in a marriage if that light is weak as partners remember the beginning of their romance and why they loved and were attracted to one another.

  25. TWX Day 24: Eat the fruits of your labor. One thing my husband and I love to is cook dinner together (after we put our 2 year old to bed). Cooking is a wonderful activity and can be the perfect time for bonding. Couples who prepare meals together create a feel-good environment that builds trust, problem-solving and teamwork. Plus, your kitchen is a great place to make memories. While everyone enjoys a night out at a restaurant, a dinner cooked at home with your spouse will save money and increase your bond as you create dishes together. I know for some this is a lot, maybe even an almost impossible task to challenge you with because after working all day, it is often difficult to mustard up the energy for a home cooked "lets bond" meal. Consider that you can cook dinner and spend quality time together at the same time and the best part is eating the fruits of your own labor. Seriously, it's great relationship building tool that requires teamwork and good communication.

  26. TWX Day 25: Pick your battles. Conflict is common, and a healthy dose of conflict is OK but nagging and nitpicking can destroy a relationship. Like I've posted before, research shows that, for every one negative thing you do, there must be five positive things that balance it out. So, clearly your marriage has to weigh heavily towards the positives. In most cases, it comes down to not sweating the small stuff. There are the rare cases when your husband happens to be psychic but he doesn't have mind-reading powers. If you want something ask but keep focus on what's important. Let things go and make sure to balance the negatives with positives

  27. TWX Day 26: Go outside. Spend some time outside this weekend with your spouse. Go for a leisurely stroll or a rigorous hike. There is something extremely refreshing about going outside. Taking time to view the beautiful scenery as a couple can be very special for your relationship by clearing your head, increasing your heart rate, enhancing your focusing power and reducing stress and/or tension. If you can spend some quality time enjoying a beautiful view together while getting a bonus of feeling better, why wouldn't you?

  28. TWX Day 27: 10 minute snooze. At times, nothing seems more annoying than when you are in a deep sleep and the alarm goes off. Personally, I'm a deer in headlights and I take a shock to the system knowing that my rest is over already! Many of us depend on the 10 minute snooze button to delay the inevitable so this challenge may be more difficult for some. Tomorrow, set your alarm for 10 minutes BEFORE your hubby needs to wake up. (I know, it's early!!) Then when your alarm goes off hit snooze BUT don't fall fast asleep. Give your partner a back scratch or massage until your alarm goes off again. Make sure it's heartfelt because it may be the only 10 minutes you focus on him for the day! You cannot imagine how memorable and relaxing you'll be starting his very busy day off on.

  29. TWX Day 28: Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). As with most of us wives, the majority of the household chores fall to me to get done. One thing my husband always does is thank me throughout the week and compliment me for getting so much done. On most occasions, he actually helps me wrap up the final few things that need to be done before the start of the new week. I love doing laundry but I hate to put it away so guess who's there helping me put away the last few loads... and typically, our bed is one of the last to get made after the linens are washed so guess who's there helping me put the bed back together... Whether it's dishes left in the sink, the dishwasher to be emptied, the laundry to be put away etc. my hubby is always my right-hand man helping me keep our home in order.

  30. TWX Day 29: Spice things up! Want to feel more beautiful, confident and boost your intimacy? Then it's time to dust off your lingerie which may be saved for special occasions like Valentine's Day, anniversaries or birthdays. If you don't already own some, buy some! Lingerie is one of the simplest and most effective tools to inspire romance and enhance intimate encounters with your spouse AND it is proven to boost confidence and help shed inhibitions. Be spontaneous and do something he'll absolutely love "just because". It's a win win for everyone.

  31. TWX Day 30: Stage an impromptu wrestling match! Whether you want to admit it or not, we all have a little competitive trait in our systems. Wrestling around with your spouse is really fun and something you can both have fun with. Obviously there are limitations and this should be done in a safe environment away from children. But, wrestling with your partner is great at relieving stress and channeling that stress and energy into something physical and satisfying. So, have you pinned your partner lately?!?!

  32. TWX Day 31: What's the secret word? Have you ever seen Andy Cohen secret word drinking game on his late night show Watch What Happens Live? This is similar but minus the drinking. At the beginning of the day tomorrow, you and your husband pick a secret word. Make it something you commonly say. With this industry, that shouldn't be difficult! Then, throughout the day tomorrow AND the upcoming weekend, when one of you says the secret word, the other, if they catch it, calls out secret word!! The penalty is that the one saying the secret word has to kiss the other. Have fun with it. It's a silly and sweet game that only you and your spouse will know you're playing!

  33. .TWX Day 32: Spin the bottle! Yes, I'm serious, like we did in middle school BUT with your favorite bev of choice and ONLY your spouse. Of course you must play rock, paper scissors to determine who will spin first. Try spinning the bottle between just the two of you and see where it stops...(or leads...) Determine beforehand what the prize will be when the bottle lands on you.
    This classic game can be a fun, flirtatious and add playfulness and romance to your marriage.

  34. TWX Day 33: Utilize free technology! Send your husband an ECard when he's out today. Whether he's working or running an errand it will be completely unexpected and won't take more than a few minutes to an impressive effort. It's free, it's fast and it's fun! Oh, and it's super sweet!!

  35. TWX Day 34: 831! (Eight letters, three words, one meaning: "I love you") Cheesy huh? Not if you ask me. To me, saying “I love you” is something that should be said during the entire day. When you leave the house, when you hang up after speaking on the phone, when you e-mail each other, in texts. Too often we take the fact that someone knows we love them for granted. While most of us do know that o...ur spouse loves us, we also know that it is nice to hear them say it. Like I noted on two previous TWX's, couples who stay satisfied with their relationship maintain a ratio of five positive moments for every one negative. So essentially saying “I love you” to your spouse can end up contributing to the most positive moments needed in his or her day. It doesn’t matter how long you’re married, hearing your husband or wife say “I love” you makes you feel that they care. Hearing these words before you leave the house can get your day going on a positive note; hearing them on the phone at work can brighten up a day. Hearing “I love you,” accompanied by a hug, can end a day with love and comfort. Three simple words can make a world of difference.

  36. TWX Day 35: Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). Don't you hate it when you're out with your husband and you say "oh, I love that" and then two months later when it's your birthday he insists he has "no clue" what you like and then he buys you some weird pair of gardening shoes or earrings that clearly aren't your style!??
    Well, I have to give my husband He definitely pays attention now (after a pair of weird gardening shoes and earrings that weren't my style). Here's a great example: One evening my husband said he had a surprise for me and gave me this box which contained some awesome boots. I absolutely loved them and I asked him how he knew I'd love them. He said that a few months prior when my good friend and I were browsing through a catalog together, I said that they were awesome. Apparently, when I left the room to attend to our daughter, he asked my girlfriend which ones I pointed out and he ordered them that evening. In the more recent years, when I say I like or need something, he makes some kind of mental note and usually hits a home run when the special occasion presents itself.

  37. TWX Day 36: IOU. Love coupons (aka little "IOU's") are a fun twist on a gift that are free and flirtatious. Completely customizable love coupons can be made quickly online. The ideas range from simple little gifts, massages, back scratches, shoulder rubs, romantic experiences, intimate encounters etc. Give your husband coupons to redeem or "cash-in" on in the future that can be used anytime and unlike typical store coupons, these have no expiration date!

  38. TWX Day 37: Encourage man time. One thing I do often AND tell all my girlfriends to do (and now my Turf Wives), is support your husband in spending time with his friends. As difficult as it is when we would prefer they spend time with us, it's also critical for their quality of life and happiness to spend time doing man stuff. Perhaps it's watching sports with the guys, playing sports, or having time to just hang out with his friends. Don't be bitter and passive-aggressive about it. Next time you want to head out for a night on the town, I bet he's completely supportive. It's a two way street.

  39. TWX Day 38: Buy your own razor. Seriously ladies, I know how awesome a man's razor can shave but...there's nothing more annoying to a man, than you sneaking his razor to shave your legs and underarms and.... well, then attempt to conceal the offense by putting it back as if you never used it. (Yes, I have personal experience and he always knows!!!) So, buy yourself a very overpriced man razor so not to annoy or offend in the future...

  40. TWX Day 39: Never go to bed angry. Cliché yes but spot on. A well-rested (if thats possible in this field), happy husband is a great deal better snuggle up next to, rather than someone you separate yourself from with pillows. Day 39 may be one of the most difficult suggestions but it's one of the most important. Why carry an argument or disagreement into another day? Reconcile your differences before your heads hit that pillow.

  41. TWX Day 40: Foot massage. Who couldn't use a foot massage after a long day? After your husband showers today, guide him to his favorite seat and give him a good foot massage. Feet have more than 7,000 nerves waiting to be stimulated, which is why people find that a foot massage is very powerful and extremely pleasurable. Additionally, massaging the feet can alleviate anxiety and bring about a deep state of relaxation. Spend a few minutes on each foot and oh, don't be afraid to ask him to return the favor!! :)

  42. TWX Day 41: Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). I'm not sure how "special" this is but when something elevates unnecessary friction, I'll consider it special. When my husband and I started dating there was always this indecisiveness regarding where we should eat, when dining out. I'm pretty sure everyone has been there. Both of us would say they didn't care where we ate and both of us wanted the other person to pick a restaurant. This went on for years and in most cases by the time a decision was made, both of us were irritated (and famished). Somewhere throughout the years my husband stopped asking and started to determine where we would eat prior to soliciting my opinion. I don't want to give anyone the impression that my husband is controlling because he's nowhere close AND he always request my opinion BUT I very much appreciate that I don't have to make ONE MORE DECISION at the end of the day.

  43. TWX Day 42: Clogged shower drains. This could be one of my weirdest TWX yet, but yesterday over coffee with one of my best girlfriends we were hysterical over a couple who recently moved in together. Fact is, her partners biggest challenge from living alone to living with a women, is the hair clogging the drain in the shower. Gross huh? Guess I never gave it much thought although I know I lose a ton of hair everyday. As weird as this TWX is, it may also be the easiest - if this is something you've experienced, clean and unclog your hair out of the shower so your sweet spouse doesn't need to see it and/or clean it out when the shower starts backing up.

  44. TWX Day 43: Hold hands. Holding your husbands hand is one of the simplest, most uncomplicated signs of your togetherness - yet it's a very powerful gesture. When you hold hands there is a special bond you have with your partner that can give you a sense of romance, similar to the beginning of your relationship. This PDA is also the least offensive while in a crowd. Additionally, studies have also shown that holding hands with your spouse may help you reduce stress. It's simple, it's free, it reduces stress, and it's using your body language to express your love to your partner. Couldn't get any easier!

  45. TWX Day 44: Dance!! When was the last time you physically danced with your husband? Your wedding years ago? Your friends wedding last summer? Most of us need to pull our husbands kicking and screaming out onto a dance floor which is why you shouldn't limit dancing to special occasions. I just danced yesterday in the kitchen while making breakfast for my daughter - it's pretty standard around here to bust out into some sort of dancecapade the second music (or a Disney movie) is on. So don't save dancing for special occasions, like weddings. Put some music on while your at home making dinner, doing the laundry, cleaning the house etc. - grab your husband, relax, let the day's stresses go, have fun and dance!

  46. TWX Day 45: Forearm scratches. Ever since I can remember, every man I've ever met absolutely goes crazy when the inside of his forearm is scratched/tickled. Usually this simple touch while watching TV, driving in the car or just sitting together puts him at ease, leaving the stress of the day behind. If you don't already to this on occasion, you need to start and if you do, try to do it more often. Another way to express your connection with him and help both of you relax.

  47. TWX Day 46: Flirt with him! Although flirting with your husband is different than flirting with a stranger across the bar, the desired effect is the same: to get him to notice and want you. It's one of the key things the two of you did when you first met and while dating. The best part about flirting with your husband is - that he is already your husband!! Therefore, you do not have to worry about the possible embarrassment of being turned down by a man who may not be interested. Flirting is playful, romantic and a great way to convey your interest in him

  48. TWX Day 47: Pamper yourself!! Let’s face it. If you’re a mom, you’re busy. It doesn’t matter what you do with your time: whether you work or stay home, volunteer or home school, cook up a storm or craft, not to mention driving the kids from activity to activity. Being a mom is the definition of being busy. So there isn't much worse than being over worked, over stressed and exhausted. One thing that's so important is to make time for some pampering. You’ll feel happier, saner and bring that positive energy back to your family.

  49. TWX Day 48: Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). One of the key items my husband has insisted, since we have been married, is for me to have my own life, friends and fun. This weekend my husband gave me "off" to enjoy a visit from one of my best friends from California. He took over the entire household while I took some much needed time away from responsibility lane. Taking time to break away from your normal hectic schedule does wonders to revitalize, relax, have fun and refuel is very important for everyone!

  50. TWX Day 49: Order for him. Next time your out for a meal with your husband, order his meal and drink for him. Generally you should know what your spouse enjoys to eat and/or drink and you can always request his permission before ordering for him.
    This simple, old-fashioned gesture, which was usually done by men, shows him how well you know him and allows him to relinquish control. To some men, when a women takes control of a situation, it's very sexy!

  51. TWX Day 50: Do something you never thought you would do! Some of you may recall that on Valentine's Day this year I mentioned that I had something very special up my sleeve for my husband. Oh I sure did! I surprised my husband a boudoir photography session of myself as his gift. Boudoir photography, which usually takes place in a setting such as a bedroom or a hotel room, generates an intimate setting by creating classy images that can be soft, romantic, sexy, sensual, or naughty. The main focus of a boudoir photographer is to capture you in the most flattering way by guiding you through the poses that compliment your body type. These sessions are cute, fun, sexy, flirty and even a bit sensual, all the while maintaining your comfort level. I had never thought I would do something this liberating but I wanted to surprise my husband with something extra special this year (not sure I'll ever top this!). These sessions are a great way for a woman to feel great in their own skin and to radiate the confidence they feel in a special way towards their significant other. Every women has something they should be proud of and show off!! With Father's Day right around the corner, this could be one of greatest gifts you could give to your husband. But, you also have anniversaries, birthdays, etc. that are also a perfect time to give the gift!

  52. TWX Day 51: Exercise together. Working out is a way of life. It's an activity that needs to be scheduled in our busy schedules daily. There are such incredible benefits from working out as a couple. This time spent together will help bond the relationship and now the time spent apart working out can be spent together as a date (sort of)! When we exercise the brain releases chemicals known as endorphins which stir up feelings of happiness, thus reducing stress and tension. These chemicals also increase arousal and libido. Studies show that partners who enjoy exercising together report having better sexual relations with each other thus deepening their bond. If you do it right, it can be a huge amount of fun and it can be a great asset to your relationship!

  53. TWX Day 52: Watch your tone!! This exact sentence is one I say, as well as remind myself to do fairly often. With the thousands of directions we are all going throughout the day it's not hard to get distracted and/or irritated quicker than we normally would if we were all just relaxing by the poolside. HOW you say something tends to weigh heavier than WHAT you've said to your spouse, even when there isn't any conflict at all. If you're aware that the tone in your voice is sharp and snippy (although you may not have meant it to be) be quick to apologize and immediately modify your communication style. If your tone typically tends to be more aggressive and defensive or short, make a better effort to approach each engagement with the awareness that your tone sets the bar for how the conversation may go. Sometimes, it's as simple as taking a step back from what you're doing and actively engage without the distractions surrounding you.

  54. TWX Day 53: Time for some PDA!! AKA, public display of affection. (I can almost see my husband cringe already as I'm pretty certain he's one of MANY men who are appalled by most forms of PDA's.) But, the majority of women aren't seeking a full-on make-out session on the street, but most do want at least the three types of PDA's: 1) hand-holding, 2) a kiss hello/goodbye and 3) affectionate invasion of space. Somewhere throughout marriage, these simple PDA's get thrown to the wayside as if they aren't something special. Make every attempt to bring them back with a vengeance, so to say. While in public this week, dust off your "when we dated" PDA's. As a rule of thumb, keep your PDA limited to things that you can witness from other people without feeling the need to turn away. If you don't want to see others conducting themselves in a certain way, it's very likely that the feeling is mutual. But, don't do away with PDA's all together!!

  55. TWX Day 54: Celebrate YOU! Whether you're raising your own family, you're fostering children, you're mothering dogs, cats or other animals, you're nurturing your unborn child, you're grand parenting your grandchildren, day 54 celebrates you and your never-ending supply of unconditional love! Take time today to celebrate yourself - you deserve it!!

  56. TWX Day 55: Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). It seems fitting to share my Mother's Day gift with everyone since we celebrated just yesterday. My husband and I both love nothing more than getting outside and having fun. The problem I've faced for years is that I'm a contact lense wearer. Heaven forbid I get water or dust in my eyes because the entire earth needs to come to a halt until I can find my drops, rinse my lenses, or wipe my eyes with a towel without smearing my mascara all over my face - you get the point. If you wear contacts, I'm sure you can relate. A few months ago we went on a four-wheeler trip which was so much fun but my contacts gave me a run for the money during the entire trip. On the way home my husband suggested I have Lasik to correct my vision once and for all. I think he was just as annoyed with my contact as well at that point. So, here I sit the day after Mother's Day enjoying my new perfect vision thanks to my wonderful husband! Hell of a gift!

  57. TWX Day 56: Send sweet or salacious text messages! Like so many of you, my husband works an exorbitant amount of hours but he also travels most of the week. We don't have the opportunity to talk on the phone much, so something I like to do is send him sweet and sometimes spicy text messages. This is a great way to be fun and flirty without interrupting while also maintaining exclusivity since he's at work. If spicy isn't quite your thing, stick with sweet - text sweet messages and photos of yourself and/or your child(ren). This is a great way to serve as a thoughtful unexpected reminder of how you feel when received.

  58. TWX Day 57: Go to bed together. I know, it's probably pretty early since our spouses wake up extremely early. But going to bed together, as often as possible, is crucial to a good relationship. This time alone with no other distraction allows for conversation about the family and each other. I'm a night owl myself so I make a commitment to do this habitually. At my wedding, my cousin and his wife told me one of the keys to the success to their long, happy and healthy relationship was they never go to bed without the other. So, I followed suit. Do yourself and your relationship a favor and make a commitment to getting to bed together as often as possible. I guarantee it will change your relationship for the better.

  59. TWX Day 58: Say how you feel. Yesterday while we were working, a Superintendent told my husband he was a very luck man (so sweet) and I returned the exchange by saying I'm too a very lucky lady. I think I caught him off guard when I jumped on my soap box about how important it is for husbands to know that we care. Most days we don't say it even though we feel it. It's critical to communicate the positive feelings you have for your spouse as often as possible as couples tend to take for granted that each other knows. I know how good it makes me feel when my husband communicates his feelings to me and I imagine it feels equally as fulfilling when we communicate our feelings towards them.

  60. TWX Day 59: Love yourself. Unfortunately many women struggle with loving and accepting themselves for who they are. Many times we as women hold back on our husbands because of our own insecurities. Yes we all have something we would like to alter about ourselves, and that is okay, but the things that we're so worried about, usually don't bother him at all. Learning to love yourself starts with making a conscious decision, an intention to become happy and lead a fulfilled life. Instead of trying to get your partner to make you feel happy and secure, learning how to do this for yourself through your own thoughts and actions is vital to happiness in a relationship. This means learning to treat yourself with kindness, caring, compassion, and acceptance instead of self-judgment. Self-judgment will always make you feel unhappy and insecure, no matter how wonderfully your partner is treating you. So embrace yourself - you are worthy and deserving and you owe it to yourself and your relationship!

  61. TWX Day 60: Live within your means. So many people continue to try "keeping up with the Joneses" which is known to have wreaked great marriages over the years as people are pushing themselves further and further into debt. Debt is the number-one issue that starts fights between husbands and wives. You can help stop this vicious cycle by not overspending, not keeping secrets about your purchases and not making large investment purchases that are outside of your means. Keeping up with others is insidious. It builds slowly and soon enough you can be in over your head. Yesterday's TWX was the first step to understanding that you are good enough, and that you are so much more than anything you can purchase. Stop the insanity of bigger and better stuff and focus on your own values, integrity, and family morals.

  62. TWX Day 61: Engage, engage, engage! This week while out to dinner there was a family sitting next to us. I couldn't help but notice that during their entire dinning experience, the wife sat and read a book while her husband and son sat in silence. Believe me, I know that after a hard day we are often tired, hungry, stressed out, preoccupied, and desperately needing to unwind. With that being said, not only is your personal wellness affected by your relationship and how you engage with your spouse, but the health and happiness of your children depends on the strength of it. Make sure you make time to actively engage with your partner and your family while in more intimate settings such as dinner. You and your family are worth it!

  63. TWX Day 62: Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). I learned very early on in my relationship with my husband that I would be spending a great deal of time and most evenings alone so I started to invite my friends over a few nights a week to break up the monotony of being alone. For years now, I've endlessly invited my friends over for dinner and/or brunch on the weekends. I love to cook and I love to surround myself with my wonderful friends. Not only does my husband treat my friends like they are family, he tries to break from work for a little while they are here and help me prep or cook before retreating back to his work. I love that he doesn't think it gets old that someone is always in our home and our home is filled with girl chatter and laughter!!

  64. TWX Day 63: Seduce with smell. When it comes to our senses, we tend to think that sight, touch, and sound are the most important sensual cues for humans. But, decades of research demonstrates that in our mating behavior, humans tend to follow their noses. One evening this week, spray your bed with the perfume your husband finds irresistible. When you do retreat to bed together, the room and your sheets will be filled with your wonderful scent. This should make your husband happy, relaxed and know. Switch it up as well, one day and spray your favorite cologne of his. You should experience similar sensations from just using one of your gifted senses.

  65. TWX Day 64: Think about losing him. GHASP!

    I know it's a very dark and depressing thought and one which is painful at the very least, but it's one that you should have often to remind you how much you deeply care for and need your spouse. A great deal of people take their lives and their spouses lives for granted. Sometimes just taking yourself to that place of "what if" is enough to wake you from the routine of your marriage and not only raise your appreciation level up another thousand notches but could have the potential to repair what could have seemed destroyed. What would life be like if he was gone forever? Just think about it...

  66. TWX Day 65: Make the bed. This task that takes less than 5 minutes a day can totally transform your room and make it more comfortable, calm and inviting for both you and your partner. At the end of a long day, your bedroom (at the very least your bed) should be your oasis and making your bed may even help you and your partner sleep better. There's something about peeling the covers down off of a bed that has been made and snuggling yourself down into it that makes you really feel like you're getting ready to relax. This small task will certainly make both you and your husband feel more at ease, happy and secure.

  67. TWX Day 66: Back scratch game. What man doesn't like to have his back scratched? And what man doesn't like a challenge? This weekend, trace letters and/or words in his back as part of your back scratch and turn it into a game. Be sweet about what you trace into his back. This will be fun for both of you and change up your typical back scratch. Kick it up another notch by placing bets on what he'll get if he guesses correctly!!

  68. TWX Day 67: Shave his face. This intimate task takes a lot of trust and for most, he'll need to help walk you through step by step the first time. But, most of us have seen our husbands shave hundreds of times and understand his process when the task is turned over to you. This close encounter with your spouse can be very erotic as all his trust becomes exposed under your delicate (hopefully) and meticulous touch. It reminds me of the movie Phenomenon with John Travolta - attached is the clip.

  69. TWX Day 68: Do his chore. Is there one chore your husband absolutely procrastinates doing because he dreads it? Surprise him by doing it for him. Yes, even if it's mowing the lawn or taking out the trash. Once in a while, it's very sweet to make that extra effort to help make his "hunny do" list shorter. Not only will he sigh with relief and be extremely thankful but it also gives you both that extra time to spend together.

  70. TWX Day 69: Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). My husband is incredibly busy during the busy season (this is a good problem to have) so pealing him away from his office in the evenings, after he's already worked since before the sun came up, is challenging. After our daughter was born, he started making a conscious effort to break away for bath and bedtime during evenings he's home. To some, this might not seem like a big deal but anyone who's done bath and bedtime alone for days at a time knows that it's extremely helpful to have assistance. Not only does he get to spend necessary and quality time with both my daughter and I but it gives me a much needed break from the norm!!

  71. TWX Day 70: Leave a trail with your clothes. This will be surprising and seducing but clearly the bedroom will need to be tidy enough for him to get the picture. Otherwise, it will just look like you just threw your clothes on the floor with the rest of the disorder (I'm laughing at myself here). Start with his favorite panties of yours and leave a trail for him to follow until he finds you. It's sly, it's sexy and it's you taking initiative!

  72. TWX Day 71: Pack his lunch! Based on a twitter conversation I had this week, I realized this was a topic to address (as well as something our husbands would like). Packing your husbands lunch should be a fairly quick and easy task. For most of us, it's easier to do at night after the rush of the evening has settled and frankly it's better than getting up at the same time as him. Just pull together a few of the snacks you have around the house and you know he loves as well as a sandwich or two. This isn't something that you need to do everyday but once in a while it's a very sweet gesture. Personally, I know when I don't pack my husbands lunch, he'll have two choices - starve or eat something fast, easy and unhealthy on the run. Of course you should add your signature love note somewhere inside for him to find later in the day! Apparently he'll like and appreciate this even more than I knew.

  73. TWX Day 72: Freezer friendly dinners. An awesome Turf Wife sent me this great TWX suggestion of making freezer prepared meals/dinners that are ready for ONE or cooking a meal that reheats well. Being that many of us don't get to dine together every evening, it's still always great for our husbands to come home after a long day to a delicious meal. Not only is this proactive but it's nice to know that no matter what time your spouse comes home, a home-cooked meal made with love is minutes away.

    On a side note, she would like to know what you are all cooking and storing/freezing for your husbands. If you have suggestions, please do help our turf wife community out by posting a comment!!

  74. TWX Day 73: Mend his clothes. Now I'm no seamstress myself but if I went out and bought my husband a new pair of pants/shirt every time a button popped off or hem fell out, I'm sure I'd be the # 1 subject at my mother-in-laws next book club meeting! Those fashion faux pas really irritate most men when they occur, especially when it's their favorite pair of pants. You can get a new button and a spool of thread that matches the fabric pretty much anywhere and sew the button on in the same spot as the old button. It's very simple and it may increase his wardrobe by 20%!

  75. TWX Day 74: Keep him healthy. Yes, of course its important to ensure your husband gets plenty of sleep and exercise but I'm talking medical health. Try to make certain your husband is keeping his regular medical and dental appointments. With this industry, it's also extremely crucial that he makes his dermatology appointments each year. In my house we don't just talk about it because if I left it up to him it most likely would get pushed to the wayside. Instead, I grab my husbands calendar and schedule his appointments to make it easier on him. If you're like me, you want your husband to be around for a long, long time and these appointments are essential each year!

  76. TWX Day 75: Check before rearranging. If you're like me, you like change. I tend to kick off a new season with a fresh look somewhere throughout the house. I used to rearrange the family room more times than my husband would buy new shoes in a year. Well, that was until he told me it bothered him. Who knew? Turns out my husband, like most men, are more resistant to change in their personal environments. They feel more stable when things are as they were when he left. Additionally, if you tend to straighten things on his desk or work area, it's a good idea to check with him first. I know my husbands office looks messy to me but he knows where each and every thing is. When I move things while cleaning, it tends to make it more chaotic for him than if I just left things be.

  77. TWX Day 76: Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). Although even most of my closest friends don't know this, I am kind of a worry ward when it comes to my husband. Since my husband travels a great deal for work and most of his traveling starts at 3am and ends well after dark, I worry that he's safe most of the time he's away. It's enough to keep me up for hours in the morning and not let me sleep long after bed time. After years of obsessing about his arrival and departures, my husband started to understand that when he leaves at 3am and has to travel for 5 hours and I don't hear from him for the whole day, I panic that he might have been in a bad accident or worse. In an effort to put me at ease, my husband sends me a quick text message when he arrives at all his destinations which really helps with my anxiety. He also sends me very sweet texts while he's traveling on business. Some might think it's cheesy but it makes me feel special.

  78. TWX Day 77: Check before you spend. Most couples make large purchases that are a necessity together but when those purchases are smaller people tend not to involve their partner at all. Do you have a "house rule" when it comes to making purchases without requesting the insight of your partner? I'm not talking about normal spending like when you're at the grocery store. I'm talking about dropping a few hundred dollars at Target during a quick run to grab "a few things". Believe me, I've been there! It's always a good idea to involve your partner in the decision making when making both types of spending or at the very least considering if he'll mind. Even better, develop a "house rule" so that both of you understand the limitations on spending. For example, if the purchase has a comma, a mutual decision is needed. Or, if it's over $500. Something of this nature is what I'm suggesting to help keep everyone on the same page and mutually respecting that bank account.

  79. TWX Day 78: Get ready in your own way. Most days while I'm getting ready to go out, I wait until the very last second to put on the outfit I plan to wear. As far as I'm concerned, who needs 2-year old sticky fingers, deodorant marks, makeup, toothpaste, hairspray etc. on their clothes. Yes, basically I'm in my bedroom and bathroom in just my undergarments until I'm ready to throw on my outfit and head out the door. TMI I'm know - but the reason I share is because this little bit of time where a man happens to catch his wife prancing around in her undergarments is extremely appealing and obviously a tease when he's fully aware you need to go soon. Give it a go when your husband is around, I bet he finds it very attractive (to say the least).

  80. TWX Day 79: Support him when he's discouraged. So much can happen between 8pm and 5am while no one is watching, let alone all the possibilities of stress, damage and major issues while he's actually at work. While for the most part you are unable to "fix" the situation as our husbands would try to do for us, make an attempt to encourage and maintain positive feedback when he comes home distraught or possibly cold. And, by all means, don't take it personal. You know the signals of this behavior. Give him some space and comforting words - you'll be helping him progress which is exactly what you'll both need in order to regain normalcy.

  81. TWX Day 80: Wear his hats. I don't know about you but my husband has more caps than he can wear in a year and refuses to downgrade to just his favorites. Over the past few years I decided that I would start putting them to good use by wearing them myself. Most of the caps have club logos on them and many of them are chemical companies and/or names of chemicals, fertilizers and/or herbicides (which have the most ridicules names). I love when I wear them out and someone asks me what or where the cap came from or what it says. They are great conversation starters to say the least! But that's not the reason I think you should wear them. I think women look pretty hot in baseball caps and I think it's sexy when your husband sees you wearing HIS things.

  82. TWX Day 81: Insure him. So, when was the last time you reviewed the deck page of your husbands life insurance policy? I know it's a grave thought but most people are completely underinsured. My recommendation is to review his policy (and yours) and make sure it's up to par. Heaven forbid anything would ever happen to your husband but being unprepared and reactionary is what so many people are forced to face. Being able to prepare for the worst case scenario is as important as caring for him during the best times.

  83. TWX Day 82: Buy him that toy. With Father's Day a week away, now would be a great time to buy him that one toy he's talked about for a long time and wants so badly. Try putting off some of your own things off in order to save the money and make that special purchase. Even if you don't typically exchange gifts on these hallmark holidays make the extra effort to make this year super special. A family member recently told me she never exchanges gifts for Mother's/Father's Day but this year she wants to surprise her husband with a metal detector. I couldn't help but laugh but she explained that it's something he's wanted since he was young and that one thing he would never buy for himself since so many other purchase are necessary. Although we both think it's quite different, it's definitely something she knows he's going to love and be very surprised by!

  84. TWX Day 83: Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). I'm a PA girl so I used to LOVE traveling to New Jersey - not for the beaches though (even though they are nice) but because I didn't have to pump my own gas!! As far as I'm concerned, there are few things worse than pumping gas during two of our four seasons - freezing winters and sweltering summers. I always told my girlfriends in the great state of NJ how good they had it! That was, until my husband started religiously filling my tank every week so I would never have to do it myself. Yes, there are a few exceptions to his weekly tank fill but for the most part my tank is always filled and I couldn't be happier about it (or feel more spoiled)!

  85. TWX Day 84: Love in the tub. There is a reason destination vacation rooms have two person bathing tubs. Bathing with your husband is just as sexy as skinny-dipping, only far more intimate. Try to create this same experience at home. Beforehand, make the water extra steamy by adding bubbles and grabbing your favorite therapeutic rubs and scrubs. This is also the perfect time to use flickering (and flattering) candlelight. After a long day, this will leave both you and your partner feeling pampered, relaxed and bonded. It may not be something you can do often which makes it extra special!

  86. TWX Day 85: Take the drivers seat! In our vehicles, we always call it "drivin' Miss Daisy" to be cute and silly. Driving is one of those responsibilities that for some reason or not tends to be taken over by the man when couples are together. As far as I understand, men like to be in control so they prefer to drive. I know how I feel when I get to take in the world around me and relax. As long as you're a perfectly good driver, once in a while make certain you take over that steering wheel and allow him time to unwind.

  87. TWX Day 86: Show interest in his work. In my most recent blog I discussed how important it is to not only understand what he does but to actually show interest in it. Yes, I'm acutely aware that you have your fair share of responsibilities but if I told you that your husband craves your respect and admiration would it change your approach to his discussion about his day? It's critical to involve yourself in and understand your husband work. Feel free to offer your opinions and advice (even if he doesn't take them) and follow up with him on challenges he asked for your feedback on.

  88. TWX Day 87: Follow through with your intentions. Most of the men I know have goals that they have every intent on following through with. While, many (not all) women don't have that same drive that when a new idea peaks their interest, although excitement is elevated and promising, that excitement dies down quickly and eventually comes to a halt. Think about all the fads: starting a new diet on Monday, exercising 4 times a week, the newest Hollywood fad, those new kick boxing, pilates and yoga classes the local YMCA is offering, that daily walk with the neighbor or co-worker, giving up chocolate for a month, not drinking alcohol during the week - I could go on and on! My point is, our husbands want us to have ambition AND the power to successfully follow through with our ideas. Otherwise, good intentions mean nothing but intentions with no follow-through.

  89. TWX Day 88: Yard sign your love. There is no better time to prep for this than tonight, for Father's Day tomorrow. Even if you husband is not a father to a child, he may be a father to a pet or a mentor. I dare you all to put out a yard sign in your front yards, clear as day, with something specials such as "THE WORLD'S GREATEST HUSBAND LIVES HERE!" or "I HAVE THE WORLDS BEST HUSBAND!" or my personal favorite "SORRY LADIES THIS HUNK O' MAN IS TAKEN!" I know, it's probably equally embarrassing for both of you but why not let everyone know how special your husband is to you.

  90. TWX Day 89: Celebrate HIM!! Whether he's helping raise your family, he's fostering children, he's fathering dogs, cats or other animals, he's anticipating the birth of your unborn child, he's grand parenting your grandchildren, day 89 celebrates him and his never-ending supply of unconditional love! Take time today to celebrate him for Father's Day 2012 - he deserves it!!

  91. TWX Day 90: (WOW TEN DAYS LEFT!!!) Start of another new week (with something my husband does special for me). Well, putting our lives out there in this very public social media based spread for not only complete strangers, who for the most part I'll never have the pleasure of meeting, is up there! This month, actually in a few days, we will celebrate Turf Wives one year anniversary. I remember when I first told my husband I wanted to start my blog and facebook fan page. He was a little reluctant for me to put our lives out so publically but he did support me without a shadow of a doubt knowing that I would not interfere with his business or speak negatively about this wonderful industry. So, having his support is the just the cake but having his trust that ultimately I'm here to support him AND my fellow Turf Wives in this amazing journey is the icing on the cake that is so special.

  92. TWX Day 91: Surprise him with an open bottle. Leave an open bottle of his favorite wine or champagne with an empty glass just for him, after a long day for no reason what so ever. Hopefully at some point you'll be able to join him for a glass, but even if you're working late or running the kids to soccer practice, it's a sign of how much you appreciate him. For those men who would prefer a non-alcoholic beverage, pick up his guilty pleasure. It's the small efforts that make a great difference in someone's day.

  93. TWX Day 92: Compliment something he's improved upon. Well...maybe he's taking TWX as seriously as you have and made one or two adjustments or additions to your partnership! How great right? But, have you complimented him on them? Even if it has jack dighity squat to do with TWX I'm certain improvements in the last 92 days have taken place. Small or large, each and every improvement shall be noticed. It's more important to recognize the flaws as it is to recognize the improvements.

  94. TWX Day 93: Feed him using just your hands. 'Tis the season for wonderful, healthy and delicious fruits. Next time you're snacking on some fresh produce, be spontaneous by feeding it to your husband. Both the gesture and the fresh fruit will be very sweet!

  95. TWX Day 94: Get his wedding ring polished. Our husbands hands are a truly special and important in their positions in this industry but they are probably rough and calloused from all their hard work. If your husband wears his wedding ring to work it probably shows great signs of wear and tear. One thing I love to do once a year is take his ring to a local jeweler and have it buffed, polished and re-dipped in rhodium. The short and inexpensive process makes your rings look shiny and new! It is also good for your rings as it makes them more durable and helps them last a lifetime. Even just using a polishing cloth will help remove any surface scrapes and dullness. Who wouldn't want their wedding ring to look clean and shiny, just like the first day you wore it?

  96. TWX Day 95: Order his favorite magazine subscription. Gift him something new to read on a weekly or monthly basis. Whether it's sports, politics, health, travel, beer, cooking, cars or some of the great industry related magazines, the options are pretty endless and these companies offer so many options for subscriptions and affordability. Even if he doesn't have a favorite magazine, find one that covers a topic that interests him. When it arrives, place it in his favorite reading place and surprise him!

  97. TWX Day 96: Clean his car/truck for him. For some, myself included, this is a daunting task! Even if you don't want to give it a good detailed cleaning as if it was professionally done, it's still a very sweet and thoughtful gesture. And, worst case scenario (best for me!!) have it professionally done - even if it's a drive through. If your husband is anything like mine, those cars/trucks get pretty grimy!
