
Monday, March 19, 2012

Turf Wives Experiment ("TWXperiment")

Hey everyone! Last months blog Now Hiring!! was viewed 1,094 times and counting. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who emailed and communicated feedback and support!

Feedback and participation in my offering of Human Resources Services has been huge and started immediately after my blog published!!! I am still in a little back-log since weather here in PA has proven to challenge our typical winter/spring work schedule but I will continue to press forward in order to assist as many people as quickly as possible. Additionally, this service is 100% confidential - this question was asked on numerous occasions for obvious reasons which I neglected to confirm in my previous post.

During busy season for us (now through October) I will do my best to post updated blogs as often as possible. I will also continue to provide HR services for free on a first come first serve basis. I ask for everyone's continued support and feedback, especially during the busiest time of year, if I don't engage as often as I would wish to.

One of the reasons I started this blog and facebook fan page was to offer a place share, help and exchange stories for wives with husbands in the turf industry. I'd like everyone who follows this page to encourage other women so close to this industry to also get involved. Start sharing and engaging with other women on the page to share your own trials and tribulations and well as your triumphs!

Another reason I started this blog and FB fan page, aka fun page, brings me back to my first blog post Late Night Ideas of wanting to offer feedback and advice to my fellow Turf Wives. As usual, over a few glass of wine recently, I started to brainstorm ideas that would continue to add value to my blog and FB fun page. As difficult as it is sometimes to stay positive when we're all dealing with similar frustrations, my goal from day 1 was to maintain positivity. We all know, for the most part the negative circumstances that we face being married or in a relationship with someone in this field. My goal, even with my blog where at times I air my marriages own dirty laundry has always been to offer tips, strategies and advice to help get through some of those tough times.

I'm not trying to pretend my marriage is perfect - I never conveyed in any of my communications anything of that nature. Nothing in life is perfect. But, I actively participate in my marriage. I engage in my marriage as I think is best for its continued success. So blah blah blah, where am I going with this?!?!?

Introducing Turf Wives Experiment "TWX" as my husband likes to refer to it. Actually, he picked the name!! Starting tomorrow, I will begin to post daily suggestions (take em' or leave em') that may or may not already exist in your relationship strategies for success. Please take these ideas, tips and/ in some cases proposals to assist with overcoming those before mentioned difficult times. OR, they may in fact add to your already successful strategies. Many of you may already be engaging in activities, tips or suggestions that I may post - GREAT!! Please feel free to post your own at anytime to add to our success by paying it forward (thanks Oprah)!! As always, I look forward to your engagement and feedback! It's my hope that everyone will enjoy this little experiment...

I promise to keep it clean,