
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Beauty Is In the Eye Of The Beholder

Just briefly, I want to thank everyone for all the great feedback regarding the Turf Wives Experiment aka the daily TWX from my last blog, Turf Wives Experiment. I'm very happy and proud of all the positive feedback I've received so far. I'm having a lot of fun with it so I very much appreciate your support!!

See, I can be brief... [[insert just kidding face here]]
I want you to take a few moments to think about grass. Simple right? Yes, to much of the world, it's just grass. But to most of our spouses, it's way more than that AND turns out, it's not simple in the slightest. Maybe the person who came up with the very old saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" worked in the turf industry!

I remember when my husband and I were going on a whitewater rafting trip. I told him our group was meeting in Virginia at 9am which was several hours away so we left very very VERY early and arrived at our location with plenty of time to spare. No one had arrived as early as we had so, we headed down to the local diner to have breakfast. We took our time and headed back to the rafting sight about an hour later but no one was to be found. I instantly phoned our trip organizer who immediately told me we needed to be in another state and the group was leaving in 45 minutes. So I did what normal women do under these circumstances....I broke into a full blown self-destruction mode, all tears and questions about how could I have screwed up something we spent months anticipating. Why did we take our time at breakfast? Why I didn't call anyone when we arrived? I pictured us arriving to our final destination with enough time to wave goodbye to our group. Ps, the group was most of the management I worked with AND several of my employees. Could I have looked more dense?!?!? I'm pretty certain they all questioned my ability to be qualified for my management position.

As I quickly regressed, my husband took control and speedily drove us to our second destination trying to reassure me that we would make it there in time. Do you know how my husband tried to distract me during our hurried drive while I was still crying and quickly falling into a silent stare out the window in tears mode (come on, you know the one)? Verbatim, "hunny, do you know what kind of grass that is?" pointing his finger out towards my window.

Still to this day I distinctly remember my choice words to him, in an unnecessarily high volume level.

At that time in my life, I actually couldn't have given two you know whats about what types of grass there was out there or about the industry in general. It didn't effect me one way or another since my career was skyrocketing and from what I heard about the industry, my job needed to. Well, it didn't affect me until the multiple times we jumped up in the middle of the night when it was raining (although the forecast didn't call for rain!) to drive, in a panic 5 minutes away, to pull tarps over trials, in the pitch black with only the truck lights to lead us. IN THE RAIN! And, those weren't the lasting impressions one would want write home to mama about. But I didn't the heart to let my then boyfriend suffer through this chapter in his life alone so I accompanied him practically every evening and weekend like it was my part-time job. I learned how to rate plots, I learned most of the types of grass grown in the East, I learned most of the common diseases, I knew all of his colleagues on a personal level etc. etc. etc... BUT most importantly, I learned that it's not "just grass"...

Why am I dragging you through some drawn out history story in my life? First, I love a cliff hanger but only in movies so yes we did make it just in time to leave with our group for the trip and since we were in such a rush to the rafts, no one questioned my complete inability to manage my team when we return. Phew. Well, like I posted on my facebook fun page last week, I've been taken aback at some of the negative comments wives in this industry are making about their husbands and this industry. These are just some of the gamut of questions that I asked myself for those individuals, who shall remain nameless, who are discrediting this industry:  

How many people do you know who can actually say they LOVE their jobs?

Do you ever ask yourself WHY your husband intimately knows every square foot of his course and/or his clients courses better than he knows you?  

When was the last time you went and walked the ENTIRE course by foot with your husband?

When was the last time you knew why your husband DROVE to 20 clients in one day?
What were his clients experiencing? What were his clients like?

When was the last time YOU closed up the shop with your husband? Could you take over if necessary?

Have you actually taken the time to look at life through your husbands eyes or walked a mile in his shoes?

Many of you have and I applaud you. Many of you should. Not only will you get a greater understanding of what your husband does, you'll get a better understanding on WHY he does what he does. Sadly, some spouses know their course or their clients courses better than they may ever know their wives. That's a problem. But this is what they love, this is their passion and you actually need to include yourself in it (without complaining!) in order to appreciate it. I guarantee, if you engross yourself into what your husbands loves and spends an immense amount of time doing and creating, your relationship with him AND this industry will improve considerably. Until I myself, walked in my then boyfriend, now husbands shoes (which I still do very often) I could never have gained the level or the amount of appreciation I have for him and this wonderful industry.

It's not a coincidence that my blog, the daily TWX and the Picture Pop Quiz all relate back to similar subjects...spending time with your spouse (and enjoying it).

For now,

Monday, March 19, 2012

Turf Wives Experiment ("TWXperiment")

Hey everyone! Last months blog Now Hiring!! was viewed 1,094 times and counting. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who emailed and communicated feedback and support!

Feedback and participation in my offering of Human Resources Services has been huge and started immediately after my blog published!!! I am still in a little back-log since weather here in PA has proven to challenge our typical winter/spring work schedule but I will continue to press forward in order to assist as many people as quickly as possible. Additionally, this service is 100% confidential - this question was asked on numerous occasions for obvious reasons which I neglected to confirm in my previous post.

During busy season for us (now through October) I will do my best to post updated blogs as often as possible. I will also continue to provide HR services for free on a first come first serve basis. I ask for everyone's continued support and feedback, especially during the busiest time of year, if I don't engage as often as I would wish to.

One of the reasons I started this blog and facebook fan page was to offer a place share, help and exchange stories for wives with husbands in the turf industry. I'd like everyone who follows this page to encourage other women so close to this industry to also get involved. Start sharing and engaging with other women on the page to share your own trials and tribulations and well as your triumphs!

Another reason I started this blog and FB fan page, aka fun page, brings me back to my first blog post Late Night Ideas of wanting to offer feedback and advice to my fellow Turf Wives. As usual, over a few glass of wine recently, I started to brainstorm ideas that would continue to add value to my blog and FB fun page. As difficult as it is sometimes to stay positive when we're all dealing with similar frustrations, my goal from day 1 was to maintain positivity. We all know, for the most part the negative circumstances that we face being married or in a relationship with someone in this field. My goal, even with my blog where at times I air my marriages own dirty laundry has always been to offer tips, strategies and advice to help get through some of those tough times.

I'm not trying to pretend my marriage is perfect - I never conveyed in any of my communications anything of that nature. Nothing in life is perfect. But, I actively participate in my marriage. I engage in my marriage as I think is best for its continued success. So blah blah blah, where am I going with this?!?!?

Introducing Turf Wives Experiment "TWX" as my husband likes to refer to it. Actually, he picked the name!! Starting tomorrow, I will begin to post daily suggestions (take em' or leave em') that may or may not already exist in your relationship strategies for success. Please take these ideas, tips and/ in some cases proposals to assist with overcoming those before mentioned difficult times. OR, they may in fact add to your already successful strategies. Many of you may already be engaging in activities, tips or suggestions that I may post - GREAT!! Please feel free to post your own at anytime to add to our success by paying it forward (thanks Oprah)!! As always, I look forward to your engagement and feedback! It's my hope that everyone will enjoy this little experiment...

I promise to keep it clean,

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Now Hiring!!

In the recent years I've noticed an unfortunate decline in jobs within the turf industry but honestly, who hasn't? I've personally experienced conversations that many individuals in the industry are struggling to either move into another role or are out of work completely. Many individuals are attempting to use social media and other resources to network which is wonderful but in more cases than not, doesn't do the trick. Obviously, this is taking place all over the country in almost every industry.
I truly believe fulfilling employment and being able to adequately provide for yourself/your family is one of the largest stresses individuals face. And unfortunately, with the way our world is today faced with desires of immediate gratification and a materialistic philosophy - this puts even larger strains and stresses on individuals struggling to move onward and upward. Through this epidemic, I've seen families fall apart, fun friends become drunks, marriages fail and worse, suicide.

It continues to be my goal to add value for my Turf Wives family. Last blog I touched on being a human resource professional. I currently hold and maintain a Professional Human Resources (PHR) degree and certificate, which although I now work in the turf industry, I would like to continue to put towards good use. In my career I have hired thousands of employees. I have also spent countless hours volunteering and offering services to assist friends, family, strangers, colleagues etc. obtain new employment. As part of my goal, I would like to take this opportunity to offer these same services to my Turf Wives family.

I will be volunteering my professional services on a first come, first serve basis for: customized resume'/CV assistance, interview assistance, employment negotiations, employment law etc. for any wife or husband in the industry following my National Association of Turf Wives facebook page. I will also attempt to stay abreast new career openings within the industry as time allows. All assistance request and inquiries should be sent to

You are welcome to find my public professional profile by clicking the following link:

I look forward to adding value to you and yours,

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Who is this Turf Wife?

Just another wife who has nothing better to do than poke at the turf industry? Barely. Actually, finding time to constantly add value and engage with my Turf Wives has proven to be quite difficult.
Like so many of you, I'm a full time mother and up until this past August, I was a full time employee. I have an advanced degree in Human Resources Management - I was the person most of your husbands (and maybe even yourself) love to hate. The person responsible for hiring and unfortunately, firing.

This past summer I took a leap of faith and began to work with (notice I didn't say "for") my husband. It was an extremely difficult decision to go from Fortune 500 companies to a small business in which my husband is the President and Lead Scientist for. My husband and I have been together for almost 14 years and I know we work extremely well together so I dove in head first. There's no other option in the middle of the summer is there? So, what was it like going from suits, meetings and employee counseling to hands on field work? I have many adjectives for my experiences: astonishing, awe-inspiring, awful, beautiful, breathtaking, daunting, frantic, overwhelming, stunning and many many more but really, seriously wonderful and rewarding.Seeing your own hard working hands-on (sometimes back breaking) work actually working, growing and changing from one day to the next gave me a crystal clear vision of why so many men (and some women) absolutely love their jobs in the turf industry. It's not easy work - it's extremely stressful and exhausting - much different then my experience in corporate america. I found myself working harder than I ever had in my professional life. But there is nothing more rewarding than working side by side with your life partner and seeing the fruits of your very own labor paying off.

Of course, I have my very own dreams and aspirations that don't consist of me returning to the 50X50 florescent lighted offices I've grown so used to. When I'm not directly working for our business, being the best wife and mother I can, working out and trying to add value to Turf Wives amongst the thousands of other activities I engage in on a daily basis...I find myself drawling up my very own business plans for owning my very own winery - right in our backyard! Stay tuned...

There are so many other aspects of my life that I'd love nothing more than to share with my Turf Wives. My most proud accomplishment within the past 1.5 years actually has nothing to do with turf at all. For those of you know actually know me personally (a seriously small percentage) they've seen the personal transition and growth that lead me to lose 70+ pounds in the short 1.5 years. That's the entire weight of my 11 year old niece! It was with a lot of hard work, dedication and true commitment to making this the best life for me and my family. Oh p.s., I also quit smoking cigarettes in that period of time as well!!

Well, life is calling (actually she's yelling) so that's a wrap for today. Stay tuned...more about this Turf Wife in due time...